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26 Old Haymarket
Liverpool, L1 6ER

Five Villages Hall, Chester
Project Name: Five Villages Hall
Type: Community
Client: Mollington & Backford District Village Hall
Location: Chester
Supported by local and national funders including The National Lottery, FCC Community Action Fund and Sport England together with financial support and commitments from the local community, The Five Villages Hall is a replacement of a former village hall, serving a community of five semi-rural villages just a few miles north of the City of Chester.

The form of the building was conceived as two volumes, Tall Hall and small hall; Tall Hall to accommodate sporting activities and large events and small hall to play the supporting role providing the functional spaces such as bar, kitchen, toilets, foyer whilst also providing a smaller activity space. Central to the two main spaces is a raised area, which can be opened from both the main Tall Hall and from the activity of the small hall providing flexibility for both spaces whilst also allowing the two spaces to be opened up simultaneously when required.

The simple pitched roof form of the two volumes provides a strong architectural identity to both the building and the project, with visual connections to the rural context of the site.